Today is Pc Fair 1st day,
I planned go thr with my friends,
so same like latest Post,
we also meet at Jian's house,
bcoz so early,
Today we visited places got:
Jian's House>D-net>Lrt(Pudu-Masjid Jamak)>M记>Putra Lrt(Masjid Jamak-KLCC)
>KLCC>Pavilion>Lot 10>Monorail(Sungei Wang-Timesquare)>Timesquare
Jian's HouseSet my hair
but so hard to set,
bcoz my hair so long
D-netsaw Timothy
and we Plyed DGZ and DoTa at there
Lrt(Pudu-Masjid Jamak)Saw Racheal in the LRT,
so we 陪 Racheal to Hang Tuah,
and thn continue our journey to Masjid Jamak
M记YZ and Kendrick eat 1st,
bcoz thr so rich,
Me, Nathan and JS wait 12pm to buy,
Mc Lunch can save up to RM2,
at that time still got 10min to 12pm,
I called jor My favorite,
Long time no eat jor,
Mc Prosperity^^
Of Course we go Pc Fair 1st lah^^,
go find Kok Ming,
but at PC fair so hard to find,
so we haven saw he at thr,
but we saw many tsun jin student work part-time at pc fair,
after Pc fair,
originally we wan go to watch movie de,
but no movie to watch,
then we go kunikoniya to read book,
there are many book to read,
we all just go Japanese Part thr only~
bcoz thr got many fashion and some hair reference book~
thn we go to StarBuck for our tea-time,

All called Mocha,

R.I.P Ice~
Made by Kendrick~
at KLCC big door,

i saw a person look like tio+ing fish at thr :p

and thn nothing to do,
we go garden walk walk and find whr is the location of pavilion,
we wan walk to pavilion,
Oh My God~
Pavilion just opposite KLCC only~
waste my money in LRT ==|||
reached th pavilion,
we so tired,
but today so lucky,

pavilion thr got free coke~
Oh yeah,
save the money agn,
we all take one,
these coke no a cup,
It's a tin of coke~
Song arh~
so we continue our journey to TS,
i arrived lot 10 and say good byr to JS,
bcoz he wan go back jor,
and thn we go TS by Monorail,
we go TS for just visit YZ's Ah Po only at 7th floor~
after visited,
We all go back our home~
Today Partner: Me, JS, Nathan, YZ, Kendrick, Racheal(LRT), Timothy(D-net)